Lately Collin's been on a candy binge. We rented two movies on the way home tonight, and he can't leave the store without grabbing a handful of Reeces Pieces. I'm not talking about just 'eating' candy. I'm talking inhaling. A wide-mouthed blue whale sucking in plankton is a comparison that comes to mind. Wolfing. Open another package. Wolf. Corey says that on most work days, Collin and his work partner stop and get a huge bag of candy to consume throughout the day.
This isn't a condition that he's in any way ashamed of. Self gluttony is fine by us if you can get away with it.
He says that he'll stop his ritual though, if the time comes when he can no longer see his "rock hard abs". Such a thinker. It all makes perfect sense.
I got to get off work early today for a dentist appointment. Usually, I'll try and brush my teeth before going, but this morning I packed toothpaste in a lunch box without any toothbrush. One of the maintenance guys at work said I could use his bristly pipe cleaner though. Its the thought that counts.
WHY, do people feel like they have to brush before going to the dentist, ....only to get their teeth cleaned once they arrive? Today I was going to be different. Fresh off two the dentist, wearing dirty paint-covered work clothes, and a motocross hat. I would get, my money's worth. They'd have to work overtime on these teeth.
I think this action resulted in the dental technition lady being overly physical with my mouth. "These are such beautiful teeth." she said. "You don't seem to be taking care of them." The last time my I had a dental experience this horrific was in 7th grade, sitting at the orthodontist when some 'new' lady tightned my braces up WAY too much. Bleeding gums and apple sauce for 3 days.
Today was pretty bad though. My teeth got smacked around and gang raped. That's affirmative. We're still hurting.