The trick is not to work faster and harder, but slower and smarter.
Sometimes when there is nothing urgently pressing that needs to get done absolutely right now, there comes the urge to umm, go somewhere and become involved in frivolous activity(s).
Today after biology class, and after reviewing for the ominous impending Biology final of doom that according to current forecasts, .. requires mine self to study, I walked over to the library slash computer lab slash Powerpoint temple, and became engrossed in a large book that I’d never seen before. It was a collection of journal entries from a man who traveled through Arkansas in 1819. Well mostly it was just about ..the bouts, of malaria that “continued to plague his body” but my conclusion was that “there was some other interesting stuff in there too”
My journey of unproductiveness then led back to a computer where a surprising amount of spam was sifted through, and the contents of my inbox were determined to be somewhere slightly above or maybe a little under but generally approximately 98% depressing.
The links on my photography page were removed awhile back and I haven’t visited some of my regular visiting places, lately.
Catching up with Max . The guy is something else. It is amazing. He is truly a wanderer, and although myself and most others are confused about his motive and his madness, he is out there, and he is living like most people want to live, but like few ever have.
And this is cool too. Very.
Then DeAnja found me slacking off in the library, wondering about the Amazon surf thing.. So I stopped.
She’d forgotten and worn blue jeans today.
She can’t wear blue-jeans to her hospital job, and didn’t really want to go home to change.
So instead we were off to the getting place to buy non blue jean pants.
Only then does DeAnja realize that she absolutely couldn’t bring herself to purchase pants from Wal-Mart.
So instead I procure the picky shopper a quick lunch at the Pizza Hut buffet, and we part ways for the afternoon.
I, to work on my interactive portfolio at Henderson;
She, to go home for pants, then to her “you can’t wear blue jeans to work” job.
So back to the whole frivolous activity(s) idea that this post, was su..ppost, to be about.
It was a beautiful day today. Sunny. Almost hot. All morning I’d been in a sterile cold classroom, or library, or wal-mart pants department or pizza hut. Turning off my exit in Arkadelphia, I had to urge to veer right instead of left.
Right, ..towards lake Degray where the idea was to briefly for five or six hours lay in the sun and watch the water and feel the wind.
I almost did. It only would’ve been the second time that I’ve done that.
But then I started thinking about recent things in my life, and the turn of my general fortune towards all that is good, and the reason for this turn being my girlfriend.
I owe it to her to get myself together. And get a job and a house.
I turned left towards school.
It is cold and sterile in here, in this room at school. The computers are humming. I am busy.
It is worth it.