Sharepoint Intranet Design Project
Project Scenario: What types of information are people always looking for? Let's put these resources in one place. And let's stop relying on our public-facing website to serve up internal content.
Confession: I've become something of a Microsoft enthusaist lately.
If you told me 3 years ago that I'd be designing and maintaining Sharepoint websites, my reaction would be a mixture of shock and disdain. Really? Sharepoint? Previous encounters were not positive.
My slow transition to the dark side began innocently, in the years leading up to Covid-19 when I completely abandoned Microsoft Outlook for Mac. The browser-based Miscrosoft Office 365 suite was a game-changer for me. I could rely on a consistent email experience across multiple work stations.
An all-in approach to Microsoft Teams, brought on by the pandemic, sealed the deal. Everything folds up nicely if you work in an org that utlizies Microsoft authentification, email, Teams and Sharepoint. Things like file-sharing, calendaring, and video chat work seemlessly.
Sharepoint, as an internal resource for groups and projects has grown on me. A most recent example if this is the Sharepoint site I built for our college, after taking into consideration the needs of our faculty and staff.
It required a fair amount of research and discussion with stakeholders, and also quite a bit of document sourcing and planning. But I'm happy with the results and pleased to see this project take root and grow.